Our first aerial panorama :)
This test panorama can be jokingly referred to as the first aerial panorama created by AirPano, but technically it is not really an aerial panorama, because it was created in May 2006 from the window of a Moscow flat.
A long time ago, shooting spheres was the destiny of enthusiasts, and the process was very laborious. Now, however, it is easy enough to create a panorama - you simply have to place a tripod with a panorama head on the floor, and after a few minutes, the panorama is ready.
How is it possible to shoot the sphere at a height of 50 meters in the air if there is no foothold?
After several thoughts and experiments, Andrey and I found the method that allowed us to do it, and here is one of our first spherical panoramas shot in the air out of the window. Among other things, this panorama is curious because it is possible to see me sitting as a model in the window :)
Our attempts were not futile - it was simply preparation for the next stage. About a month later, I went to New York and stayed at the Millennium UN Plaza. At that time, I already knew that the view from the windows of the hotel is beautiful, and I went to this hotel specially to create a spherical panorama. Taking photos at the Millennium was very unusual at that time, and it made us famous in the world of spherical panoramas. Many panoramas' websites asked to utilize this particular image. It was even shown in the news of one of the German TV-channels. But, as I already mentioned, before we left for New York, Andrey and I had perfected this photo technique many times here, in Moscow, and now you can see the result of our first experiments.
Photo and text by Oleg Gaponyuk
May 2006
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