St.Moritz, Swiss Alps
Saint Moritz is one of the most respectable resorts in the Swiss Alps.
Luxury, elegant and exclusive Saint Moritz is located at a height of 1856 meters over sea level. Actually, it is a small town populated by 5600 inhabitants and approximately 15000 tourist allocations.
«Exacting people recreation» - they say about Saint Moritz in travel guides. Saint Moritz has surprised me twice but not with its restaurants among alpine skiing tracks where visitors in ski boots are served with black caviar and truffles and live orchestra music sounds in the neighborhood as well as "weightless, salubrious and sparkling champagne air".
First, I was surprised by the story of my friends who had come back from Saint Moritz. As they say, statistically there are 360 sunny days a year in this blessed place. And this fact is very important for people who practice skiing. So, during their staying there, they "enjoyed" those 5 dull days. But the 6-th day was, as usually, sunny.
Second, I was surprised when I had arrived to Saint Moritz. I visit some small shop on the street to buy a sweater. I took from the shelf a model which I liked, looked at the label and was surprised very much. At the moment I remembered the anecdote: a visitor looks through a menu and asks a waiter: "are they prices or telephone numbers?"
Well, the sweater that I chose cost 6.000 Euro or approximately 8 thousand US dollars. It seemed that my face looked very surprised and an old and very polite woman, owner of the shop, said that there were other cheaper models on the other shelf. I came to that shelf and looked at the label: cheaper indeed- 4.000 Euro.
Later I decided that the question with clothes wasn't so urgent and instead I called to AirGrisha and charted a helicopter there. I was flying by helicopter for 3 hours at a price of 1 sweater. The results of that flight became 40 panoramas, 9 of them are represented on our site.
19 August 2010
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