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Four Seasons. Autumn Forest. Relax Flight

The sequence of the seasons is caused by the Earth's axial tilt and its rotation around the sun. This astrological phenomenon affects not only our everyday life but it is a source of inspiration, as well. Antonio Vivaldi and Joseph Haydn composed the cycle of concerts dedicated to the seasons while Pieter Bruegel and Claude Monet created the sequence of paintings, and these are only a few of the most known names of those inspired by the seasonal changes.

Arts devoted to winter, spring, summer and autumn can be met among the variety of composers, artists, sculptors, writers and many other artistic creators. Nowadays we can also share the atmosphere of these seasons through photography and video. Let us be admired by the ingenuity of nature and a harmonious picture created by it.

Four Seasons. Autumn Forest. Relax Flight

Today we want to give you a unique opportunity to admire the beauty of the golden fall time. Nature starts getting ready for sleep but before that it blossoms again with bright and even fantastic colours. Until the land is frozen by winter, trees demonstrate its unbelievable beauty.

Four Seasons. Autumn Forest. Relax Flight

7 May 2021

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