The Land of Bears, Kamchatka, Russia
One of the craters of the long-extinct Kamchatka volcano (caldera) is filled with picturesque Kurile Lake. Kurile Lake is one of Europe's largest locations of salmon spawning (Pacific salmon). Another unique feature of Kurile Lake is a long salmon spawning period: from June to March. Both factors attract many brown bears to the lakeshore. Under normal conditions bears avoid each other, but during salmon spawning period they group together. One can observe up to 20 bears near the lake simultaneously: they are so preoccupied with fishing that they ignore not only other bears, but also humans.
Today we present new 360 video: flights over the bears in their natural habitat in the Kurile Lake in Kamchatka.
Kurile Lake, bear with sockeye salmon
Bear with fish
Planet of bears
Family of bears
Authors of the video: Stas Sedov and Ivan Roslyakov
31 January 2014
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