Russia's aerobatics team Berkuts
Today, June 10, the town Torzhok holds the celebration of the 25th anniversary of Russia's aerobatics team Berkuts. We sincerely congratulate the pilots of the group on this milestone birthday and we publish a video of a flight trial run that occurred as a preparation for Victory Day celebrations. The story of the creation of this video is not an easy one so that people involved will definitely remember it.
In the course of filming the preparations for the Victory Parade 2017, we managed to come to Kubinka air base. We were thrilled by the idea of making a 360-video of the helicopter formation flying over Red Square in Moscow.
We tried several ways to fix our cameras on boards of helicopters Mi-8, Mi-35 and Mi-28N. It took us some time to get to the idea of placing the camera in the gun barrel of Mi-28N. This machine has practically no convenient place for fixing a 360-camera due to safety restrictions. And when I finally, having almost no hopes, asked about attaching the camera to the gun barrel located in the front of the helicopter, to my greatest surprise, neither the technician nor the armourer had objections.
After an unsuccessful attempt to fasten our monopod to the barrel (a strong vibration occurred on the cameras), a slightly insane idea struck us: within a very tight period of time my friend, Alexey Zhukov, devised a special insert for the barrel to fix the camera. With the help of two bolts, this construction firmly expanded inside the flame arrester. The cameras themselves were tied to the barrel by the safety wires.
For a test flight over the area of Kubinka air base, we attached the camera on the helicopter of the aerobatics team Berkuts' commander - Colonel Andrey Popov. I want to express the words of my earnest gratitude to Andrey Fridrikhovich for his help and assistance during filming this video.
The test flight was successfully completed. Having examined our cameras and downloaded the videos, we got ready to capture something unusual. But I don't want to spoil your surprise and tell about what happened in the sky over Kubinka air base - it's better to see it with your own eyes!
AirPano team expresses its gratitude to the Department of information and mass communication of Ministry of Defenсe of the Russian Federation for the assistance and support in carrying out filming!
We also thank our partner and friend Alexey Zhukov for designing and producing different constructions and fixing systems for cameras with an incredible speed!
Authors of the video: Stanislav Sedov, Ivan Roslyakov
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